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swarm intelligence algorithms, swarm robots, drone photogrammetry, growing neurons

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Alife, complex intelligence, cognitive science.

Occasionally asked questions

  • My strongest influences: Nicky Case, Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman, the Genius trilogy, Friendship is optimal: Caelum est conterrens.

  • “Yoyo, I can’t read your mind.” Here’s an (old) page about being friends or collaborating with me.

  • List of 100 questions. Thank you for the answer_to_yoyo_questions.pdf

  • Raised by the internet. Coded trending projects on Hopscotch and picked up English through their forum. In high school, by browsing quora and corners of the internet, I formed a mesh of 100+ friendly geeks across 24+ countries during high school and organized events such as Chinese-Canadian cultural exchange.

  • Music. Examples of what I enjoy: Prelude XIII (Datura), Aphex Twin - T69 collapse, Waterflame - theme of skyworld.

  • Media. Living proof: stories of resilience along the mathematical journey. Linus Pauling biography. Shape of a life.

  • Lucky charms 🍀 Jensen Huang, Juergen Schmidhuber, Kenneth Stanley, Lisa Su, Fei-Fei Li, Joscha Bach, Jean Piaget, John Conway, Vladimir Nabokov

  • Sites. Curius, cyborgism.wiki, quanta magazine.

  • Blogs I read. Shtetl optimized, Gwern, Alexey Guzey, Esther is a confused human being, Alex K Chen quora, Yuxi on the Wired, Juan Vera, Yufei Xiao.

  • Articles by others: Review of going infinite by Zvi. Take your time by Nicky Case. Idol Words by Scott Alexander.